Sunday, April 3, 2011

April showers bring May flowers

This past week in review...

my naturapathic dr. consult got rescheduled ...AF (aunt flo a.k.a period) arrived, and like a cycling junkie (not to be mistaken for bicycling junkie like My Love), I decided I NEEDED to get back to it.

Yup, that's right I couldn't stay away any longer and am officially cycling again. After an almost four month break, I received such a warm welcome back from the staff at the fertility clinic. Sure I'm all warm and fuzzy that I was missed, but I mean business and am ready to be pocked and prodded once again.

After a mini catch up with the nurse, she reminds me that Dr.C likes to do three of the same procedures before moving on to more aggressive (unless of course I want to). Alrighty then, IUI #3 it is!  EXCEPT this cycle's equation will look more like this...

 letrozole + trigger + back to back IUI + progesterone = BABY

My ultrasound found a cyst (no biggie so far) and we have decided to have My Love have another analysis done since it's been a year and a half since his last check (which was found to be slightly below normal).

So as the hormones are's hoping April showers bring May flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for following me! I'm following you right back! Good luck with this IUI! I just added your link to my blogroll!
